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Sunny Summer camps

5.8. - 9.8. 2024 English-Czech Language Camp (Gr1 - Gr 5)

12.8. - 16.8. 2024 Outdoor Camp (Gr1 - Gr 5)

19 - 23 Aug 2024 Adaptation week for future first graders

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International exams

AP International Diploma or AP Capstone

The AP international Diploma is a globally recognized certificate to students that display exceptional achievement across a variety of disciplines. The award certifies academic excellence to colleges and universities all over the world including the Czech Republic.


The AP Capstone is a diploma program based  on two Yearlong AP courses: AP Seminar and AP Research. These courses are designed to complement other AP courses that the AP Capstone student will take. |The choice of additional four courses is up to the student and his/her interests.

AP classes allow high school students to take more rigorous courses. Additionally, if they score well on the exam, they can earn credits or bypass some general education requirements once they are enrolled in college. AP exams also bring credits to students applying to Czech or international universities.  

All students of SCIS high school leave the school with  Czech „maturita“ diploma and those who want also with AP International Diploma or AP Capstone Diploma. Students are well prepared to study either at Czech universities or anywhere they choose abroad.   

IGCSE exams

International General Certificates of Secondary Education (IGCSEs) from Cambridge Assessment International Education

Since 2014 SCIS has been an accredited member of the Cambridge Assessment International Education (CAIE),and is a proud member of the Cambridge community of more than 9,000 schools in more than 160 countries. Cambridge Accreditation allows SCIS to provide programs for elementary and secondary education. Selected courses taught in English with native speakers focus on preparation for international Cambridge IGCSE exams, which students could perform during their Grade 11 studies at the SCIS High School. This is a precursor to perform the Czech Maturita in our bilingual four-year Gymnasium, which provides a unique combination of leaving exams guaranteed to be attractive to both local and foreign universities.


We offer the following IGCSEs for students to choose from:


Once in Grade 10, our students study in English using Cambridge Secondary 2, paralleling and enhancing the Czech National Curricula. Cambridge International Examinations supplies the relevant study materials for the year and assignments/assessments are provided and set by us. In order to gauge students' proficiency, internal exams, Mock examsin January, as well as external IGCSEs in May/June are written by all students.  Cambridge Secondary 2 builds on the foundations of Cambridge Secondary 1, although learners do not need to complete that stage before this one. Cambridge IGCSE provides a broad and balanced study across a wide range of subjects, using learner-centered and enquiry-based approaches to learning.


Our very low teacher/pupil ratio enhances the learning experience with no more than 25 students per class. Each student is therefore assured of the individual attention they require. The Czech National Curriculum is broadly followed in both Middle and High Schools and supplemented by the requirements of the Cambridge International syllabus. This allows students to make the change to the Cambridge material effortlessly while still allowing them to fit into other schools should they need to relocate for any reason.

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