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Czech - English Programme and Czech Programme - Registration

Information about the enrolment to Kindergarten Sunny Canadian International School – Mateřská škola, s.r.o. – Czech–English program, from the school year 2025/2026


The important information for all parents and personal representatives about the new regulation in the Pre-school Education from September 2017.


All children who will be 5 years old by September 1st will have to be enrolled to Kindergarten. The last year (pre-first class) before entering an Elementary School is becoming compulsory.  Every parent / personal representative is obliged to enrol 5 year old child to Kindergarten.  If this regulation is not followed, the parents / personal representatives will be breaking the law and could face misdemeanour proceedings. The compulsory Preschool Education applies to citizens of the Czech Republic, the citizens of another EU Member State and to other foreigners who are authorized in the Czech Republic for a period longer than 90 days and to parties to the proceedings for International Protection.


The Education Act sets the dates for the Enrolment to Kindergarten from May 2nd till May 16th 2019. Sunny International School Kindergarten – Czech-English program sets the day for Kindergarten Enrolment on Tuesday May 6th 2025. 


Detailed Criteria for admission (Kritéria pro přijímání dětí k předškolnímu vzdělávání s docházkou od školního roku 2025/2026 – Česko-anglický program) of children to SCIS Kindergarten, Czech-English Program, and Application for admissions / Žádost o přijetí dítěte k předškolnímu vzdělávání are available for download on the school website. Please also find attached documents Information about the enrolment to the Czech-English Program and its organization.


 Sunny Canadian Kindergarten accepts children above and beyond the date of enrolment into the full capacity of the individual class.

Let's now take a virtual walk through our Kindergarten. You can look at the classes, gym, dining room and other rooms, where our children spend time. Enjoy your virtual tour.



If the child has not been vaccinated according to the vaccination schedule, the legal representative must contact their paediatrician to provide a confirmation that the child is immune to the infection or couldn’t receive the vaccination due to a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine or other stated medical reasons.

4. After receiving the “Application Form” and the necessary documents mentioned above, the legal representative will receive a registration number via an e-mail. The registration number will be issued only after the delivery and reception of all the prescribed documents. The registration number is then used to publish the list of accepted children to the Kindergarten for the school year of 2020/2021.


Detailed Criteria for admission of children to SCIS Kindergarten, Czech Programme, and Application form are available for download on the school website or at the Kindergarten reception desk on working days from 8am till 4:30pm. Please also find attached documents Information about the enrolment to the Czech Programme and its organization. 



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