Don't miss
School Prom

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We will cook

Clothing order

Online ordering system

Order here

Information about orders, login information

Anna Kazdová

email: kazdova@sunnycanadian.cz


Uniform fitting reservation

Reception ES and HS

mob: 734 827 106 email: receptiones@sunnycanadian.cz

Sunny Uniforms Marketplace

Facebook Marketplace where you can buy, sell or exchange already worn uniforms.
To add to the group, contact uniforms@sunnycanadian.cz.

Conditions for the Sunny Canadian Int. School Attire - School year 2023/24

1st Stage and 2nd Stage

On School Event days, which are announced in advance by a letter from the school principal, and at the same time every Wednesday, all pupils at the school wear a ceremonial set from the school's clothing collection.

From Monday to Thursday, except on School Event days and Wednesdays, primary school pupils combine clothes from the school's clothing collection at their discretion.

All primary school pupils wear a school sports kit for every physical education class.

On Fridays, students wear clothing of their choice and discretion. Clothes may or may not be from the school collection.


High School

On School Event days, which are announced in advance by a letter from the school principal, and at the same time every Wednesday, all high school pupils wear a ceremonial set from the school's clothing collection.

On other days, students can wear clothes either from the school collection or according to their own choice.

All high school students wear a school sports kit for every physical education class.

Ceremonial set girls:


White shirt

Skirts / dresses

White trousers

White tights / Sunny stockings




Ceremonial set boys:



White shirt


Tie / bow tie


Girl's day wear set:

Any combination from the school collection


Boy’s day wear set:

Any combination from the school collection


Girls PE Clothes:

T-shirt / tank top

Leggings / shorts


Boys PE Clothes:




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